6 Ways to Determine Your Need for Managed Print Services
- 27 Apr, 2018
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- managed print services,
Many business leaders can’t put a number on their company’s annual print spend, and most aren’t aware that the number even matters. Managed print services audits routinely reveal print spends at rates much higher than anticipated, and once determined, most organizations are eager to remedy the situation.
Take our quick survey to determine if your organization could cut costs and improve productivity with a Managed Print Services partnership.
1. How many devices make up your fleet?
More than ten? More than 100? Not sure? Unmanaged print fleets are often bloated with redundant and outdated printers and copiers that aren’t adding value to company workflows. A print services assessment reveals these numbers and provides solutions to streamline your fleet.
2. Do you partner with more than one vendor?
Managed services put everything print-related under one umbrella to streamline the process and eliminate indiscriminate spending.
3. Who handles routine maintenance and troubleshooting?
Is your IT team regularly called off duty to deal with print-related issues? Give them time to focus on their real jobs and let industry-trained MPS technicians handle your printers and copiers.
4. Do you have an established procedure for adding new equipment and supplies?
When was the last time someone added a desktop inkjet printer to the fleet just because it was the easiest choice at the time? Managed print services eliminate the guesswork associated with adding new equipment.
5. Is downtime getting in the way of productivity?
Managed print services teams monitor your devices and respond when your equipment isn’t operating to manufacturer’s specifications.
6. Do you know how much you currently spend on document printing?
Find out with managed print services and then enjoy the benefits of a print spend reduced by as much as 30%.
To learn more about CORE’s PrintCare Managed Print Services program, contact us today!