5 Ways to Improve Your Security Game in 2018
- 14 Feb, 2018
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Concerns over security are nothing new in the workplace, and businesses are well aware of the consequences of a major security breach. Below are a few tips for improving your game in 2018.
1. Establish security policies.
With no established security policy in place, your employees may not be sure what’s expected. BYOD policies that black-list certain apps are a good example. When your staff knows exactly where the lines are, they’ll be less likely to cause an unintentional security breach.
2. Use games and competitions in place of boring training sessions.
Let’s face it; meetings about network security issues are usually pretty boring fare. Spark interest in security issues by getting your team to shift gears and think about security in more creative ways. Try organization-wide competitions that include fictitious security breaches. Exciting events like these will help employees reach new levels of awareness when it comes to protecting your information. And don’t forget the prizes!
3. Encourage reporting.
When an employee recognizes a phishing attempt, reporting the event helps everyone. Even if no one else receives the same phishing email, they’ll learn something from the experience. Make it second nature (or company policy) to report suspicious emails by sending frequent reminders and then rewarding employees for a job well done. Coffee shop gift card, anyone?
4. Passwords. Again.
Warnings to use strong passwords are so commonplace that we’re in danger of ignoring them. Your employees may be tired of hearing it, but strong passwords are one of your most important defenses against hackers. Check with your equipment provider if you need help changing default passwords on your devices.
5. Get expert help.
Your security team may be among the best, but inviting security experts to help assess and pinpoint vulnerabilities is always a smart move. They can help protect your network from ongoing threats to keep your information safe.
Need help with data security issues? Contact us at CORE Business Technologies for a consultation today!