How Many Security Threats are Hiding in Your Print Environment?
- 10 Jul, 2018
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Data security is a leading concern for U.S. businesses. While most organizations have addressed common security issues found in desktop and laptop computers, other risks may not be as obvious. Some of the security exposures businesses face every day may be so commonplace that they’re hardly recognized as a threat. Here are just a few examples:
- Unclaimed print jobs. Most of us don’t think twice when we find unclaimed documents in a copier print tray. In most cases, we set these mystery documents aside and move on with our work. But what if an abandoned document includes a colleague’s performance review or an application for additional insurance? The situation then moves from a few wasted sheets of paper and some toner to a full-blown security violation.
- BYOD practices. By now, businesses have moved on from being nervous about personal device usage to embracing the obvious productivity advantages. But when employees bypass BYOD policies and use public file sharing solutions or download risky apps, security risks to your company multiply rapidly.
- Unlimited access. Not every employee should be privy to every file in your system, but without robust security measures in place, that’s exactly what can happen.
Fortunately, you won’t have to figure out a comprehensive security strategy on your own. Solutions to button-down print infrastructures are readily available, and it’s time to use them to your full advantage. Security protocols like data overwrite, secure printing, data encryption, and advanced authentication procedures can keep unauthorized users and bad actors from accessing your printer fleet, and through it, your network. Even better, managed services tools that control confidential document output and data security also deliver impressive cost-saving solutions.
Are your printers and stored data vulnerable to unauthorized access and theft? To start your company on the path to better security and savings, get in touch with us at CORE Business Technologies today.