How Many Security Weaknesses Are Lurking in Your Office?
- 8 Jan, 2018
- admin
- security,
Can you list the networked equipment that’s currently in use at your office? A quick assessment may include laptops, desktop computers, mobile phones, tablets, scanners, printers, copiers, and fax devices. Video conferencing systems, interactive whiteboards, and smart TVs may also need to go on your list, and you’ll even need to include the mobile devices and laptops brought into your workspace by visiting clients and business partners.
Why did we ask?
While we could just be offering some useful tips for determining the value of your assets, that’s not why we asked. We asked because we want you to be aware of the security vulnerabilities that could be presented by any one of the networked devices on your list.
And you thought you were okay.
How to be okay.
Fortunately, there are positive steps you can begin taking today to close the security gaps lurking within your organization. Here’s where to begin.
- Get serious about passwords. We’ve all heard so much about the importance of strong passwords that we’re in danger of tuning out the warnings. Don’t tune them out. Begin by changing the default passwords that came with your devices, and move on from there. Every network-connected device must have a strong, secure password. No exceptions.
- Implement a BYOD policy. Your employees may accomplish more by using their personally-owned device for work, but it’s all for nothing if a lost or stolen device provides hackers an entry point into your network. Establish a BYOD policy as soon as possible.
- Don’t go it alone. You’ve got a business to grow, but network security must be a top priority. An audit by a Network Management provider will pinpoint any security vulnerabilities within your IT infrastructure and provide solutions to correct them.
Don’t let security issues take down your business in 2018. Contact us at CORE Business Technologies for a security audit today!